Helping Latina professionals turn self-doubt into confidence & get promoted into leadership roles.

Increase Your Salary $10k-$30k
Overcome Imposter Syndrome   
Land The Promotion

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I help first-gen women get promoted into leadership and make more money because #webelong.

⚡ Build Confidence
 Know Your Purpose
 Crush Imposter Syndrome.

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👉🏼 Craving to do something that has meaning and a bigger impact?

👉🏼 Uninspired, stuck, and unmotivated in your current job?

👉🏼 Struggling to speak up in meetings, ask questions, and advocate for yourself? 

👉🏼 Letting imposter syndrome stop you from succeeding in a leadership role?  

👉🏼 On the verge of burnout and want to prioritize your well-being?

👉🏼 The first of many like: graduating college, working a corporate job, and going beyond survival in life?

You’re in the right place.

My mission is to empower Latinas & First-Gen professionals to become the leaders our world needs. 

I’m Alejandra Hernandez. Career & Leadership Coach, well-being advocate, and first-gen Colombian-American.

I spent 4 years in HR/Admin related roles before stumbling across career coaching and finally having the “A-HA” moment in my career. I realized I could take everything I knew about what companies look for when hiring and apply it to uplift other Latinas and First-Gen folks out of stress, confusion, and dissatisfaction.

I intersect my love for career coaching, leadership, & well-being to help my clients create and live their dream life. One where they feel nourished, fulfilled, purpose-driven, and healthy.

Work With Me


I was in the middle of career burnout when I came to Alejandra last year. I had quit my job despite having a seemingly successful career.

Through our work together I started to build back my confidence, to believe in myself, make decisions for myself, and was able to take on a new career path. 

This coaching went beyond my career, in my personal life I was more centered, aligned and present. I began to really understand myself and validate my strengths and area of focus. I’m grateful for this coaching.

- Erika A., First-Generation Latina | Venezuelan-American